Sibylle Hermann, Academic Librarian at the University Library since 2015 and Data Steward at the SimTech Cluster of Excellence since 2019, has been elected as the new Chairperson of the Commission for Research-related Services at the Association of German Librarians (VDB - Verein Deutscher Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare). Her term of office began on 1 July..
“In the next three years of my term of office, I would like to further promote the integration of research-related services into the core business of libraries,” says the new chairwoman.
Research-related services are services provided by libraries to academics to support them in their research activities, for example in managing research data or in the publication process. These services are increasingly in demand by libraries and academics.
The Commission for Research-Related Services deals with current developments in library research services and offers training courses. It also formulates position papers to promote the development of research-related services. The most recent publications were "Research Support in Libraries" (2021, only in German) and "Openness in Libraries" (2022).
Stille, W., Farrenkopf, S., Hermann, S., Jagusch, G., Leiß, C., & Strauch-Davey, A. (2021). Forschungsunterstützung an Bibliotheken: Positionspapier der Kommission für forschungsnahe Dienste des VDB. O-Bib. Das Offene Bibliotheksjournal Herausgeber VDB, 8(2), 1-19.
Berg-Weiß, A., Hermann, S., Kötter, M., Leiß, C., Müller, C., & Strauch-Davey, A. (2022). Openness in Libraries: Position Paper of the Commission for Research-Related Services of the VDB. O-Bib. Das Offene Bibliotheksjournal Herausgeber VDB, 9(2), 1-4.

Sibylle Hermann
Dipl.-Ing.Publication Services (Head of Department), Academic Liaison Librarian,
Coordinator Research Data,
Third-party Funded Projects (Project Manager), Open Science