Where to Put Research Data?
Scientific research produces digital data of all kinds.
Technical management of research data is necessary for permanent and structured storage of the primary research data. In this way only can data be found and used again.
Therefore, the University Library is part of FoKUS - the Competence Center for Research Data Management of the University of Stuttgart and operates the Research Data Repository DaRUS together with the TIK.
We will gladly help you with questions such as:
- What are the requirements of third-party funding agencies in regard to research data?
- How can you store your research data in a long-term and retrievable way?
- How can you publish your research data and make them available for subsequent use?
Your Contact Persons

Sibylle Hermann
Dipl.-Ing.Publication Services (Head of Department), Academic Liaison Librarian,
Coordinator Research Data,
Third-party Funded Projects (Project Manager), Open Science
Dorothea Iglezakis
Dr.FoKUS (Competence Center for Research Data Management at the University of Stuttgart)