Courses & Tutorials

Here you will find an overview of our course offerings and online tutorials.

Course Offer and Information Competence

The University Library’s guided tours and courses are offered regularly at both City Center and Vaihingen location, especially at the beginning of the semester, however. The number of participants per course is restricted for lack of space, so please register in time via the online registration.

If required, further events and dates can be offered – for groups, seminars, tutorials, or new employees, for example.

If you are interested, please contact: Hannah Kempe or Ute Dittmar (Vaihingen).

Courses of the University Library


If you are beginning with Master's studies at University of Stuttgart and you want to use library resources, this tour is for you. On our library tour we will familiarize you with the University of Stuttgart Library's layout and resources. You will find out about opening hours, borrowing rights, loan periods, finding books and journals, requesting items, placing holds and checking your library account. You will learn how to use our online catalog and other internet-based library services. You will learn how to access electronic journals, databases and other licensed electronic resources.

The focus will be on subjects for international Master's programs of science or engineering. Other international students, scientists or employees are also welcome.

Duration: 60 minutes

Dates and Registration


Courses of the TU9 Libraries

Literature Research

In this workshop, scientists will learn how to use tools to find thematic literature related to their research focus.

  • How can I develop a research strategy plan?
  • How do I choose the appropriate research tool for my search query?
  • How do I keep up to date with new publications in my research area?
  • How do I evaluate my search results?
  • How do I manage the literature I have found?

You will get answers to these questions in the workshop and can apply your new knowledge directly to practical examples.

If you are attending, please make sure that your VPN access is activated.

Target audience: Scientists

Lecturer: Leona Maron (ULB Darmstadt)

Date: 04.07.2024 1:30 p.m. - 3 p.m.

Tool used: Zoom

Link for registration here.

Further information here.

Research Data Management

The FAIR principles aim to optimally prepare research data for people and machines and make it accessible. They are also essential building blocks in the implementation of good scientific practice.

Suppose research data management follows the FAIR principles, e.g. by documenting research data with metadata, this contributes to the usability, discoverability as well as accessibility of research results. When researchers design their research data FAIR, this ideally leads to research processes being more efficient, research results being more comprehensible, new research questions being made possible and collaborations being facilitated.

This online seminar is an introduction to research data management and shows how FAIR principles can be implemented in everyday research through personal data management.

Speaker: Dr. Kerstin Wedlich-Zachodin (KIT-Bibliothek)

Target audience: Researchers, Scientific staff

Date: 25.06.2024 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Registration here.

More and more research funders call for a data management plan (DMP). Yet the benefits of such a plan do not end with the application. A DMP is essential for data management that ensures the discoverability, accessibility, interoperability as well as reusability of research data. That said, how do you create a data management plan with manageable effort?

Applying web-based software such as RDMO (Research Data Management Organizer), a DMP quickly takes shape. Interactive examples and various DMP tools demonstrate how to create a successful DMP.

Target audience: Researchers, Scientific staff

Organizer: KIT-Bibliothek

Date: 26.06.2024 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Registration here.


This course will present the basics of research data management (RDM). You will learn the most important aspects of RDM and we will explain requirements by third-party funders and how you can best fulfill those requirements.


  • Goals of research data management
  • Research data policies
  • Data management plans
  • Data structuring and filing
  • Metadata and metadata standards
  • Long term preservation, file formats
  • Publication of data, persistent identifier
  • Support by the University Library

Target audience: Researchers, Scientific staff

Date: 14.05.2024 9:00 - 11:00 Uhr

Registration and further information here.

Data Literacy

Event for participants without OpenRefine or other special prior knowledge.

In our workshop "Data wrangling with OpenRefine" you will learn the basics of preparing and transforming tabular data with the open source software OpenRefine. OpenRefine provides functions to identify and correct inconsistencies in large amounts of data under a graphical user interface that outwardly resembles spreadsheet software. For example, it is possible to combine slightly different spellings of a name in different entries (e.g. TU Darmstadt and TU_Darmstadt) by clustering and then label them uniformly. Such data preparation often makes later analysis of the data much easier.

  • How do I create a project and import data?
  • How do I use facet, filter and cluster functions?
  • How do I transform data? (e.g. splitting cell contents)
  • How do I export data?

You will get answers to these questions in the workshop and can apply your new knowledge directly to a sample dataset.

Please set up OpenRefine on your computer before the workshop starts. Instructions can be found at (current documents available 7 days before the workshop).

Target audience: Scientific staff, students

Lecturers: Jens Freund (ULB Darmstadt)

Date: 27.06.2024 3:20 p.m. - 4:50 p.m.

Registration:  Registration until 24h before the start of the workshop via Cituro

Tool used: Zoom

Link to the original application here.

Visual material:


Bibliometrics deal with the quantitative analysis of scientific publications using statistical methods. Areas of application include research evaluation (e.g. rankings) as well as research support (e.g. identification of research trends). Altmetrics record usage indicators of electronic publications, such as downloads, mentions in social networks, etc.

  • What are bibliometrics?
  • What key figures are there and how are they calculated?
  • Where can I find the key figures?
  • What are the applications of the indicators?
  • Do the metrics say anything about the quality of publications?
  • What are altmetrics?

You will get answers to these questions in the workshop and can apply your new knowledge directly to practical examples.

Target audience: Scientific staff

Lecturer: Harald Gerlach (ULB Darmstadt)

Date: 20.06.2024 3:20 p.m. - 4:50 p.m.

Tool used: Zoom

Link for registration here.

Further information here.



The number of patent applications is an important innovation indicator to show the performance of universities. Innovations, inventions and patents also play an important role at TU Darmstadt, because they contribute to profile building and are conducive to start-up projects.

  • What do I need to know if I want to apply for a patent, a trademark or a design?
  • Where can I get information on application procedures and costs?
  • How can I search for patents, trade marks and designs?
  • How can I find out whether an IP right is still valid?
  • What should I, as an employee, pay attention to in the case of service inventions?

You will get answers to these questions in the workshop and can apply your new knowledge directly to practical examples. Here you can find the documents for our workshop.

Lecturer: Stephan Cradock (ULB Darmstadt)

Date: 29.05.2024 11:40 - 13:10 Uhr

Target audience: Scientific staff

Tool used: Zoom

Link for registration here.

Further information here.


Are you scientist? Are you interested in increasing dissemination and visibility of your research? This can be done, for example, through Open Access publications.

The workshop gives an overview of the possibilities of publishing research results and support for the individual publication strategy.

  • What do the TU Darmstadt and research funders understand by Open Access?
  • Which funding and financing possibilities are available for publications of TU members?
  • Which publishers, other publication organs or offers of the ULB could be useful for me?
  • What are the quality criteria for specialist publishers?
  • What rights do I have as an author?
  • Which services does the ULB offer to members of TU Darmstadt to support them in implementing the Open Access Policy?

You will get answers to these questions in the workshop and can apply your new knowledge directly to practical

Target audience: Scientific staff

Lecturers: Anne-Christine Günther & Karen Schiele (ULB Darmstadt)

Date: 21.05.2024 9:50 a.m. - 11:20 p.m.

Registration:  Registration until 24h before the start of the workshop via Cituro

Tool used: Zoom

Link to the original application here.

Visual material:  

Presentations at renowned conferences and publications in recognized journals are the currency of science. For you as a scientist it is important to make your research visible and to publish your findings. This is what dubious organizers and publishers try to exploit with fraudulent publication offers. In this course you will learn how to identify and avoid dubious offers.


Media coverage has made the fraudulent business models of dubious providers known to the general public. Well-known scientists suddenly found themselves exposed because they had registered for pseudo conferences or had published in predatory journals.

However, it is not always easy to identify the black sheep of scientific publishing. The course will show you how to identify and avoid dubious offers. You will learn about criteria for seriousness, evaluation portals and checklists. Of course there will also be the opportunity to ask questions.

Technical requirements here.

Target audience: Scientific staff, Researchers

Organizer: UB TU München

Date: 11.07.2024 9:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Registration: here


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Information Desk Vaihingen

Pfaffenwaldring 55, 70569 Stuttgart

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