University of Stuttgart Collections Network

Collections of the University of Stuttgart

Tasks and goals – Projects and cooperations

Goals of the Network

The „University of Stuttgart Collections Network“ is an association of contact persons for collections at institutes and central facilities. The goal of the network is to have a platform for the common exchange about challenges of collection curation as well as for the realization of joint interdisciplinary projects. Founded in 2020 by the University Library and the Institute of History, Section for History of Science and Technology, the network meets once a semester. Other interested parties are welcome to join at any time. Contact us!

apl. Prof. Dr. Beate Ceranski, Institute of History, Department of History of Science and Technology
Dr. Christiane Rambach, University Library, Digitization and Conservation

Project "Kompetenzzentrum Sammlungen"
Katharina Wilke, University Library

Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. FH) Katja Stefanie Engstler, Department of Mathematics, Institute of Geometry and Topology

Further Cooperation Projects

BMBF-Project Gyrolog – Building a digital gyroscope collection for historical and didactic research (2017-2020, Chair of Flight Measuring Technology, Institute for Parallel and Distributed Systems, Institute of History, Section for History of Science and Technology): supported by the University Library

Virtual Exhibition 2021 (DE): Bucharchitekturen. Ein virtueller Blick in die historischen Bestände des Instituts für Architekturgeschichte (Book Architectures. A virtual look into the historical holdings of the Institute of Architectural History)

Exhibition "At Second Glance: Ramblings through the Collections of the University of Stuttgart" - developed from a teaching project of the Institute for the History of Architecture (Else Schlegel, M.A.) and the Institute of History - Chair for the History of Natural Sciences and Technology (Dr. Beate Ceranski, M. Sc. Maria Niklaus) in WiSe 2021/22.

Theo Lutz: Stochastic Texts. From the Freiburg Code to the Stuttgart Code.
Theo Lutz was one of the first in the world to succeed in randomly producing a text with a computer. In June 2022, Klemens Krause, Christian Corti and Dr. Toni Bernhar (Institute for New German Literature) reproduced Lutz's experiment on an LGP-30, a computer from 1958, in the Computer Museum, a cooperation with the German Literature Archive Marbach, where the original program from 1959 was discovered.

Contact the group


University of Stuttgart Collections Network

  • Write e-mail
  • Contact: Prof. Dr. Beate Ceranski, Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. (FH) Katja Stefanie Engstler, Dr. Christiane Rambach
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