
The University Library licenses access to electronic resources (e-journals, e-books, databases, theses, etc.) for the University.

Information on how to access the electronic resources - be it on-site at the University Library, on campus or, if you are a member of the University of Stuttgart, from home or on the road - is provided in condensed form on a separate page: Access to the electronic resources of University of Stuttgart Library.


Electronic Journals Library
Here you will find the electronic journals accessible to members of the University of Stuttgart, clearly presented and easily searchable. The traffic light symbols show you whether you can use your desired journal online.
You can find further information in our Self-study material.

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Here we give you hints on how to use e-books that we have licensed for you or that are freely available.

Information on E-Books


Database Information System
In DBIS you will find the subject databases accessible to users of the University Library. These contain e.g. articles from journals and congress proceedings, statistics, facts, and much more. In DBIS you can search for databases, but not directly for article titles.
You can find further information in our Self-study material.

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OPUS is the publication server (the institutional repository) of the University of Stuttgart. All members of the University of Stuttgart can publish documents that are of lasting interest for research and teaching online in terms of Open Access.
Further information about OPUS can be found here

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Team Zeitschriften und E-Ressourcen (T4)

Holzgartenstraße 16, 70174 Stuttgart


Team Publikationsdienste (T3)

Holzgartenstraße 16, 70174 Stuttgart



Holzgartenstraße 16, 70174 Stuttgart

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